As we approach the New Year we are bound to repeat the same usual things in the hope that the next year will be better than the one we are about to finish.
We look to achieve better health, save more money, read more, find a soulmate and so on.
Whilst determining goals is a great way to look forward to the future, there is one thing that has been proved to work against you.
And that is to let the world know about your goals.
That's right, the moment you tell your friends or post it on social media what your goals are, you're more likely to fail at them.
Psychologists have found that when you tell your goals to a friend, that moment of satisfaction tricks the brain into believing you already achieved your goals, making you less likely to achieving it.
Best way to do it? Resist the temptation of plastering your goals on social media or delay the announcements by keeping your goals to yourself is key to your success.
When I'm training clients for body transformation, I always ask them to keep it low profile, I keep them from telling their friends about it until we're seeing visible results. The ones that keep it quiet, usually finish the 12-week program with the best results.
There is this interesting short video from one of my favourite authors, Derek Sivers on TED Talks, that explains in 3 mins why you should zip it.
So for next year, I don't want to hear about your goals, show me that you have achieved them. Make it worthwhile.
Happy 2017.